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Reid With Sandra

Happy Mother's Day....Covid-19 & ALL!

For so many of us, THIS is our first Virtual Mother's Day - EVER! Like you, I'm thinking, Mother's Day 2020 will be etched in my heart's...

Thank you, Jingrui Zhang (Icey)!!

Earlier, I wrote about how touched I was that one of my students, Icey, wanted to share her surgical masks with me! She is from China &...

Praying & preparing for next....

Leaders need to know when to show up.... and when not to show up is the right thing to do.... To say this is hard doesn't even come close...

Look what AT&T is doing now!!

Underwriting SETDA eLearning Coalition Amidst COVID-19's a link:

Finding Inspiration - It's Everywhere!

I've been thinking, a lot, about inspiration & from where it comes. Inspiration to do what it takes to accomplish literally anything, is...

If these walls could talk....

This old Fort Worth house was built in 1905 & began as the first home of the Gladney Center for Adoption. A Methodist minister named...

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