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My Theme Word for 2020 Vision! Wait for it.....


Updated: Jan 7, 2020

Early morning departures are my favorites!

Recently, I went to Nashville for a really quick trip & I can never resist looking out the window both directions. As I was giving in to my AA DNA to see how we were doing in operations, I became much more taken with the beautiful sunrise & how the light looked reflecting off the aircraft staged at their respective gates awaiting departure times. Each of the flights were filling up with people & they were already in great anticipation of what experiences the day would have in store for them. I knew full well it was more about the being there than the getting there that was resonating passionately within the heart of each & every one of them. I had to say for me, too. The big turned out to be the beauty of God's moment to push pause & really see a majestic day dawning right in front of me; the little? What was going on in operations at the moment was definitely the little. I could have so easily missed the big of the moment & I know I have many times before.

This particular moment, though, is what The Lord used to stir my heart with thinking about what would become my theme word for 2020 vision!


Here's what I am holding myself accountable for as I live & love life to the fullest in this brand new decade:

Focus on the important action steps to accomplish my real, purposeful goals Attentive to find the "BIGS" in the "littles" regardless of what may be happening Intentionality in that which will positively impact those in & beyond my spheres of influence

Trust not my own understanding, but seek wisdom with others

Have courage to show up with myself visible every day for connection

I say Come on 2020 Vision! We're ready & we've got this!

Call to Action:

1. Share your 2020 Theme Word with those closest to you. Encourage a dialogue for the sharing to go both directions.

2. Develop actions to hold each other accountable for success throughout the year. Commit to showing up for each other even when it's just not easy to do.

3. If you have developed a list of books to read / podcasts to follow, etc., please share these. My first new title to read is going to be Athena Rising: How & Why Men Should Mentor Women. I received my copy just last night & I can't wait to get started. I'm in the process of reading Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent & Lead. It's a must-read if you haven't already done so.

How about you...are you in for some amazing, impactful 2020 Vision?

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