Leaders need to know when to show up....
and when not to show up is the right thing to do....
To say this is hard doesn't even come close to describe how separation from all those we love & care about really, really feels. God created all of us to connect with the rest of His people....born for connection is real.
This past week has been one of doing things differently than we are used to doing them. Whether it is within our calling, in our communities, in our families, etc. We had already mastered some of the different methodologies, processes & ways of going about our daily lives that we need now. Many were mastered, yes, but now we have the opportunity to put finishing touches on how we do these things, to make changes that are appropriate, in order to provide the love & care to / for our "others" who depend on us.
In my "others?" I'm including customers, those in the relationships we nurture every day through our networks, & our friends. It's all those who unselfishly help us every day in salons, retail outlets, groceries, restaurants, all things drive thru, yard & cleaning maintenance. And, of course, our families (personal & the professional families within our organizations), communities & churches. Basically, it's all life within God's Kingdom in my "others."
As we continue to get through this horrific moment, there are so many shining lights! Organizations such as AT&T, Nike, Microsoft, Apple, Cigna, the Dallas Mavs, Mary Kay, GE, GM, etc. - the list is beautifully long - have stepped up to do things differently for the greater good! I'm so glad the list is too long to list them all here! Definitely, gloriously, organizational leaders all around us are doing the right things - not doing things right during this time of desperate need. Their leaders are in the arena along with those who are suffering & I'm SO grateful! I know we all are!
Coaches, like Lincoln Riley, of University of Oklahoma, in helping those in need. Drew Brees, QB for the Saints donating substantial money to help those suffering in New Orleans. These are only 2 examples of a very long list, indeed.
The doctors, nurses, first responders, emergency service personnel, & first responders - those on the front lines fighting the biggest enemy of our lifetime - deserve our complete support as do their families. Our debt is not unlike that owed to those who put themselves in harm's way during 9-11, the U.S. Military every day & to all those who run toward disasters so we don't have to. It's who we are & is the U.S. DNA.
Most importantly, they need us to be true leaders - to stay home so they don't have to while they save the lives of the masses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Call To Action:
1. Share within your sphere of influence something good that you have noticed especially during this time of global pandemic.
2. Reach out to someone just to see how they are doing.
3. Remember to tell those in your life how special they are.
4. Pray.