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There's something really beautiful inside...


I am grateful today, and every day, for all of the students called to Dallas Baptist University. They always give much needed inspiration, encouragement, energy, thoughtful conversations, & proof of grace & grit...the kind that weathers all storms, staying on course, toward the light of a better day.

Students know all about adversity as they must make sacrifices every single day. They are strong, resilient, driven toward the goal, & live their lives with a keen sense of purpose. The purpose being to fulfill God's plan through each one of them, never to settle but always willing to compromise when it's the right thing to do. So many come to study from countries all over the world at GREAT sacrifice for themselves, their families, & all those who love them.

These amazing students give me the fuel for my fire of passion every day to serve in & through all circumstances. Never does a day go by that one, or several, don't directly touch my very soul. It's always amazing, too, that the messages are especially powerful often when I need it the most. I know that is when God is saying, "listen up....I'm have more work to do." Their voices are in person, on the phone, & in all the various forms of technology for which I am VERY grateful.

Earlier today, I received an email from my student who is here studying from China, Icey. We have dialogued many ways in prior semesters & she is currently in my class which is going to meet in synchronous online sessions beginning tonight. After we exchanged greetings, she asked me a question which I answered, & then she touched my heart at the deepest level with what else she asked me next.

Icey told me her Mom had sent her masks from their home in China to protect her from the Coronavirus & that if I needed any, she would share hers with me.

See what I mean about there's something really beautiful inside?? It's all around us, & may have just been here all along. The more I look for the positive, I admit, the more I see it. God has given us hope, & He lives within us to accomplish good, even or especially, during such a time as this.

Call to Action:

1. Share a few of the positives you are seeing all around you.

2. Share with your network how much you appreciate their connection & relationship; offer to assist them with achieving their goals.

3. Pray.

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