It's an understatement to say these are the most trying, uncertain times of our collective lives. There's not a magic bullet, no secret sauce, no morning after & it was all just a bad dream, & it's (impact of this global pandemic) not going to be over as soon as all of us are wanting to believe is true.
We are witnessing the end of business as usual & the beginning of a new normal that looks a little scary, a lot foggy, & full of unprecedented change. Yes, there will be devastation & horrendous destruction. We just don't know how much so yet. It's just an awful lot to digest. I've found, though, there is just so much good happening all around us! Restaurants donating food to front line hospital personnel & then people donating to the restaurants to help fund them to stay open. People volunteering to help others who can't go out to get food. Young people in choirs who can't perform in the traditional ways creating / posting videos of their performances that the masses can now see online & sharing within their respective networks. People are connecting with each other utilizing social media methods where they have never stopped to do so before. Innovative ideas are popping up that will re-engineer business, in a good way, going forward. The underlying feel is we're all in this together & we are united against the enemy, Coronavirus. There's a beautiful vulnerability about it all, about connection, inclusion, & a sense of important purpose shared by all.
BUT! What is also true? We are called to be faithful to Him in every way. To love Him & to love each other while serving those less fortunate than are we; not just in the United States, but across all countries. We're called to lead creatively, courageously, boldly following on the road less travelled to do good all across the Kingdom & to give Him thanks in all things, especially for our many blessings. He never said the path we are on would be easy. He did say the promise to us that He would never leave us nor forsake us nor let go of our right hands, We have only to remember that He is God, to be faithful unto Him, & to commit our lives to His honor & glory. For that, we are promised a place to live in eternity with everlasting life.
I had the tremendous honor to share participation in a webinar today with Dr. Justin Gandy, my colleague at DBU. The topic the same as I have titled this blog, Leading Change in Times of Crisis: Engagement is Key. We're doing a series of lunchtime webinars on topics many have told us they would find valuable, this being one of them. Tomorrow, Tuesday, 3/24, there is another one on the topic of dealing with anxiety in these trying times.
The time investment beginning at noon, including Q&A, is about an hour, no more. We'd love to have you & reach out to zacht@dbu.edu for an invitation link.
Here's our link with the webinar today with Justin & me. I hope it will provide you with value add & that you will be moved to share with others in your network.
Call To Action:
1. Prayer for protection of our doctors, nurses, & first responders who face this daunting task head on....& for their loved ones.
2. Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while, ask how they are doing & if there is something / someway you might add value to their life.
3. Look for the good in every day, in every moment. Post a tribute of gratitude in your social feed.
4. Tell those you love what they mean to you.