When 9/11 Comes Again?
Go out of your way to thank a freedom fighter today!
We are forever in their debt.
This day in 2001 changed the world forever. So many events occurred then & the immediate days / weeks / months afterward, that were too horrific to even adequately describe. Even now, many lives are tragically shortened / lost as a result of the ash & injuries sustained during their selfless acts of saving others. As a Country, we lost our innocence in countless ways on September 11th 2001.
I want to add, however, a lot of good came out of it all, too. Let me count just a few of the ways:
1. Many of us stop more often to just say thank you to those who fight for our freedoms every day such as the US Military, Police & Firefighters.
2. Opportunities have been taken to get involved through volunteering in our churches, communities, local political & municipal institutions, & much more.
3. Resoundingly there are lots more actions & collective focus around heightened security for all.
4. Every free nation came together to fight for each other.
Call To Action:
Start a conversation with those around you about how to expand on the good that has come out of the horrific, tragic events of September 11th 2001.